Home > News > Industry News > Flexible connection (busbar) stamping bending molding process of common problems
Flexible connection (busbar) stamping bending molding process of common problems
时间:2023-12-27 来源:Yueqing Kaishipu

Soft articulation or busbar molding process is mainly through the stamping or bending to complete. In the soft articulation and busbar in the molding process often presents the following problems, we analyze one by one today.

1. Soft articulation (manifold) of the cutting edge is not flush. Perhaps the reasons are: a. Positioning offset, the need to adjust the positioning; b. There is a single side of the molding, pulling the material, the need to increase the pressure force, adjust the positioning; c. Planning errors, the formation of the knife is not flat, from the beginning of the line to cut the edge of the cut edge of the knife edge block; d. Feeding is not permitted to adjust the confluence of the stamping feeder; e. Feeding the wrong step accounting from the beginning of the calculation of the step and re-set the receiving knife position.

2. Soft joints (manifolds) poor molding, poor perception. Perhaps the reasons are: a. molding die convex die is too sharp, the formation of material cracking molding convex die repair R angle, the knife mouth at the appropriate repair R angle; b. molding punch length can not be formed, the formation of failure to form the correct length of the calculation punch to adjust the actual length of the punch to reach the type requirements; c. molding punch is too long, molding at the material deformation of the pressure, the need to confirm the correct length of the punch, the adjustment of the actual length of the punch to meet the requirements; d. molding at the information d. Formation of cracks at the molding material can not account for the unfolding of the material, or repair R angle, or reduce the height of molding; e. Poor positioning, the formation of poor molding Adjust the positioning or feeding device; f. Forming gap is too small to form cracks or deformation of the distribution gap.

3. soft articulation (manifold) bending scale error. Perhaps the reasons are: a. mold did not adjust in place to form the point of view error resulting in scale error, the need to adjust the height of the closure or point of view of the difference between the bad; b. elasticity can not form the point of view of the bad resulting in scale error, the need to change the taut springs; c. material does not meet the requirements of the formation of the point of view of the bad resulting in the scale change of materials or adjust the gap from scratch error; d. the material thickness error caused by the point of view of the bad resulting in the scale of the bias Confirmation of the material thickness, change the materials or  Pull the material to form the scale is not stable, the need to increase the spring force, adjust the positioning; j. Gap unreasonable, resulting in point of view of bad and scale error, repair and match the gap; k. Bending height is not enough, the bending punch into the bending knife is too short Increase the height of the bending knife, so that the bending punch as much as possible may be combined with the bending knife force position, the formation of the point of view of the bad more; l. Bending speed is too fast, the formation of the root of the deformation of the bending Adjust the speed ratio of the control, select the reasonable speed. Adjust the speed ratio control, choose a reasonable speed.